Lou Ramos
Winter League

An exciting, fast-paced winter league
to keep your game sharp!

LRC trophies
Soccer match inside the LRC

Scoring success at the Lou Ramos Center

Featuring two glass-walled arena turf fields, three netted smaller-sided turf fields, a roomy viewing lobby, snack stand, and a dedicated office space. Our facility has hosted a wide array of activities, and our dedicated team is always ready to tailor your event to perfection.

League Information

House Players-Seeking a team to participate with in the Lehigh Valley Winter Leagues? Sign up for the “House Teams”. If enough players sign up to form a team, we will create a new team from those players. If not, we will reach out to other coaches in the division to see if anyone is seeking additional players! Make sure to select your age group from the drop down menu in the registration when signing up.

LeagueFormatGame DayAlternate DayCostRegistration
House Teams Registration5v5 + KeeperRefer to Ages BelowRefer to Ages Below$150/ PlayerRegister
Youth - 2017 & 2018 Coed League5v5 + KeeperSunday MiddaySaturday Midday$1150/ Team REGISTERRegister
Youth - 2016 Boys League5v5 + KeeperSaturday MiddaySunday Midday$1150/ TeamRegister
Youth - 2016 Girls League5v5 + KeeperSunday MiddaySaturday Midday$1150/ TeamRegister
Youth - 2015 Boys League5v5 + KeeperFriday EveningSunday Evening$1200/ TeamRegister
Youth - 2015 Girls League5v5 + KeeperTuesday EveningSaturday Evening$1200/ TeamRegister
Youth - 2014 Boys League5v5 + KeeperFriday EveningSunday Evening$1200/ TeamRegister
Youth - 2014 Girls League5v5 + KeeperWednesday EveningSaturday Evening$1200/ TeamRegister
Youth - 2013 Boys League5v5 + KeeperSaturday EveningWednesday Evening$1200/ TeamRegister
Youth - 2013 Girls League5v5 + KeeperWednesday EveningTuesday Evening$1200/ TeamRegister
Youth - 2012 Boys League5v5 + KeeperWednesday EveningSaturday Evening$1200/ TeamRegister
Youth - 2012 Girls League5v5 + KeeperSaturday EveningWednesday Evening$1200/TeamRegister
Middle School - Boys5v5 + KeeperMonday EveningSaturday Midday$1200/ TeamRegister
Middle School - Girls5v5 + KeeperTuesday EveningSunday Midday$1200/ TeamRegister
High School - Boys J.V.5v5 + KeeperThursday EveningSunday Evening$1200/ TeamRegister
High School - Boys Varsity5v5 + KeeperSunday EveningMonday Evening$1200/ TeamRegister
High School - Girls H.S.5v5 + KeeperSaturday EveningThursday Evening$1200/ TeamRegister
Adult - Open Men4v4 + KeeperWednesday ​NightN/A$1200/ TeamRegister
Adult - Open Woman5v5 + KeeperTuesday NightN/A$1200/ TeamRegister
Adult - Over 40 Men5v5 + KeeperMonday NightN/A$1200/ TeamRegister
Session 2 - 8 Game Season
Adult - Open Men4v4 + KeeperWednesday NightLeague Starts 3/12$850Register
Adult - Open Women5v5 + KeeperTuesday NightLeague Starts 3/4$850Register
Adult - Over 405v5 + KepperMonday NightLeague Starts 3/3$850Register

Stay sharp with our exciting winter league

At the Lou Ramos Center, our walled turf arenas keep the action going, ensuring the ball stays in play for up to 95% of the game. This means more player-ball interaction, providing an excellent opportunity for honing dribbling, passing, and receiving skills, particularly for our younger age groups.

League Information

  • The Winter League season will start up on December 2th!! Registration deadline = November 15st 
  • Holiday Breaks: December 23rd-January 2nd
  • Games at the Lou Ramos Center: The LRC is a new facility with top-of-the-line turf fields, full plexiglass walls for excellent viewing, a heated interior, indoor bathrooms, televisions, and full concessions stand.
  • The Lehigh Valley Winter Leagues use the U.S. Soccer Mandated Birth Year Age Groupings.
  • A full 10-game season keeps costs lower and assures all teams have finished their season by Spring.
  • Larger brackets may be split and tiered for closer competition (i.e., one 12-team league into two separate divisions).
  • Back-to-Back age groups or genders may be combined for optimal bracketing  (Combined 2008/2009, Boys/Girls, etc.)
  • 4 Goal Differential Max – Rewards teams for playing good defense instead of running up scores.
  • Games will usually take place on your primary game day. Teams should be prepared to play games on the alternate day if necessary for scheduling purposes.
    • ​Age groups will be capped at 9 teams initially to ensure each group has time blocks on their primary and alternate days. This is subject to change for groups where we create multiple divisions. Waitlisted teams may still be accepted depending on numbers at other age groups.
  • For the Middle School and High School age groups, we are not restricting each group to certain birth years. However, we have the right to examine each team at those age groups to ensure they are not taking advantage of this rule and playing more skillful, older kids “down” an age group.

League Referee Information

Referee Fees are not included in the League price. All league referees are assigned by Lehigh Valley Youth Soccer League Referee Assigner – Hal Grahn. Referee fees are to be paid directly by the coach individually before each game starts.

  • Youth: $15/Game
  • High School/Adult: $18/Game

Registration Instructions

  • Coach/Manager completes online team registration for the appropriate age group with a non-refundable $250 down payment.
  • Upon registration, you will receive a “Team Captain Email” to create your roster.
  • Populate all player names/emails for your roster. By adding an email, your members can approve the mandatory waiver online!
  • Roster size is unlimited, but all players must be added to the online team roster with an approved waiver.
  • Full online roster, waiver completion, and payment* are mandatory before the first game. During the opening week of leagues, we will check in all teams for roster/waiver approval, and an un-approved player can sign a physical copy of the waiver.
  • Schedules will be created and sent to teams within the next few days following the close of registration.
  • For any scheduling requests, please email Garrett Keys directly.
  • *Final payment will be made via check prior to your first league game. Any team that has not paid their balance in full before their first game will be assessed a $100 late fee. 

Have any questions on the Winter League? Please email Garrett.